December 11, 2017 - Mobile Development

This Webinar Is for You If You’re into Mobile DevOps

by Antoni Żółciak
More by this author

It’s all about shipping higher-quality apps faster. And with more confidence.

The concept behind Visual Studio App Center is to automate the lifecycle of your iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS apps.

Microsoft’s idea is simple: developers can connect their repo and then, within minutes:

  • Build in the cloud
  • Test on thousands of real devices
  • Distribute everything to beta testers and app stores
  • Monitor real-world usage with crash and analytics data

The best part? It’s all in one place.

Webinar on Visual Studio App Center

Visual Studio App Center is a DevOps solution for your mobile products.

It’s most important job is to simplify your work.

During the webinar, Microsoft’s team will walk you through Visual Studio App Center and show you how to build, test, monitor, and ship your mobile apps with more confidence – regardless of platform!

Join the initiative to learn the possibilities and see them live in action on Tuesday, December 12th. You can stop reading and register now.

Here’s how it will go:

  1. Intro
  2. App Center Services
    1. Build
    2. Test
    3. Analytics
    4. Distribution
    5. Crashes
    6. Push Notification
  3. Pricing
  4. Resources
  5. Q&A

Seems simple enough, doesn’t it?

What is Visual Studio App Center?

  • It’s a next generation of Xamarin Test Cloud
  • A way to automate the lifecycle of your apps on a variety of OS’s
  • And much more!

What Do You Gain With Visual Studio App Center?

First thing is continuous integration in minutes. You no longer have to build your iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS apps locally.

You can try and connect to your GitHub, Bitbucket, or VSTS repos and build the apps automatically with every pull request or on demand.

Then, you might think about automating UI tests on real-world devices and hundreds of configurations in the cloud.

Another advantage of Visual Studio App Center is the ability to distribute the app to beta testers and users. You can send different builds to different groups of testers and notify them via in-app updates.

Crash reports and real-time analytics are another benefits of this solution.

Do You Want to Learn More?

Register for the webinar. It’s free!

What is your challenge?

Tell us with any means provided. We'd love to hear from you!