May 22, 2017 - Mobile Development

3 Things We’ll Talk About During Our Second Xamarin Meetup in Krakow

by Antoni Żółciak
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We were lucky enough to host a vast amount of mobile development talent in April. First edition of XaMarines meetup brought us all closer together and allowed knowledge sharing: everyone interested in Xamarin could come, listen, and provide feedback.

The last bit to us was the most important one. We want to do meetups that are beneficial for the local community, in a way that will suit the majority of our potential listeners.

This month, XaMarines will take place at Pauza In Garden, where we – yet again – hope to host people interested in developing mobile apps, or the technology in general.

Slawek Grycz and Przemek Raciborski during the first edition of XaMarines Krakow

Xamarin.Forms or native UIs?

This is a highly important question. Considered that mobile application development is different with Xamarin, there are two approaches to the process:

  • using Xamarin.Forms
  • using Xamarin and native UIs

While Xamarin.Forms is a great idea, it is also considered an immature one. The concept is fantastic. The technology, on the other hand, is not quite there yet.

That’s why there is another way of working with Xamarin – a native one. You can either read about it or simply come to the meetup this Friday to listen to Artur Malendowicz. If you’re in Poland, that is.

Xamarin Mobile DevOps

Second lecture will be about Mobile DevOps, which, according to Forrester, is nothing more than:

Providing a set of practices and cultural changes – supported by complementary tools – that automates the software delivery pipeline, enabling organizations to win, serve, and retain consumers better and faster than ever before.

Compared to web apps, the mobile app delivery process poses different, and often unique, challenges, such as:

  • A fragmented ecosystem.
  • High user expectations.
  • Integrated systems.

According to Xamarin’s Mobile Business User Survey from 2015, after an unsatisfactory experience with a mobile business app, 65% of users will abandon the app after two or fewer uses. 8% will quit immediately.

On 26th of May, 2017, during XaMarines, we’ll talk about this in a bit more detail thanks to Clint Francis from Xamarin / Microsoft joining our meetup.

Single code, two platforms

Patryk Romańczuk (ITMAGINATION and Microsoft Silesian Group) will talk more about cross-platform mobile app development, especially in comparison to the conservative approach. Being involved with Xamarin technology for several years now, Patryk knows all the ins and outs from the practical point of view.

Interested? Join the Meetup group!

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